The more you learn, the less you know

Kiggu Blog

What is Kiggu?

A cloud-based solution that helps you to test your systems against vulnerabilities easily and automatically using a suite of cybersecurity-focused services.


We offer a wide range of services

VS – Vulnerability Scanning

“VS – Vulnerability Scanning” scans and identifies vulnerabilities in your technologies such as Servers, PCs, Switches, Databases, among others.

WAS Icon

WAS – Web Application Scanning

“WAS – WEB application scanning” is ideal for scanning and identifying vulnerabilities on web applications, web pages or web services.

VA – Vulnerability Assessment

“VA – Vulnerability Assessment” not only scans and identifies vulnerabilities, it also performs in-depth techniques to discover more weaknesses or best practices to remediate your vulnerabilities. You have an in-depth analysis of the vulnerabilities found.

EH – Ethical Hacking

“EH – Ethical Hacking” mimics cyber criminal attacks, identifies, scans, analyzes and attacks your assets in a controllable way. Hack your own infrastructure in a very agile way.

VM – Vulnerability Management

“VM – Vulnerability Management” manages the vulnerabilities of your technologies on a recurring basis, scanning and identifying vulnerabilities in an organized manner, assigning roles and using an inventory of your assets with their related vulnerabilities.


Learn about the advantages and benefits you get by acquiring Kiggu.


Reports or deliverables will be generated with your logos, when you customize the platform with your company’s logo, you will be able to visualize the platform as a ” SOC “, as if it was your company’s property, in the end our goal is that you feel that it is YOUR platform and you can manage it as you like. You can also find support channels in the main menu. Your comments and contributions regarding the platform will be very well received and in case they are significant, you will receive benefits.


Kiggu does not have access to your deliverables, reports or information associated with your test results. The only log we will have for chain of custody, it is your company profile and your ASSETS history on which you have performed the tests, as we are required to ensure that our customers only assess their own company’s platform or companies when they are authorized to conduct the testing.


The confidentiality of your company’s information is vital, you have the ability to delete your account, establish double authentication, access your activity logs, define auto-deletion for your reports, check your activity logs, set alerts, among others.

Open Knowledge

We invite you to refer to the section “HACKING DATABASE” which has an up-to-date and purged knowledge tank on Hacking.


Kiggu provides reliable assessment of your assets in different scenarios, including internal networks.

Use as you go

The scope you use is conditioned by the asset number in your account and may be requested on demand.


The Kiggu team is always on the lookout for new updates, threats and vulnerabilities. We make sure you receive quality testing.


Please keep in mind this information. If you have any questions, please use the support tab.


  • In order to register on the platform you only need to fill out the sign-up form and be a legally constituted company or organization, we also have the right of admission. It is not a service offered to the public, it is for associated clients, the invitation is exclusive.


  • The platform is a pay-per-demand platform, access to the platform has no cost. The cost is associated to the number of assets or that you execute on demand.

Scope Considerations:

  • You can only assess the IT infrastructure of your company or companies where you are authorized to test.